A love better than a Fairy Tale

easter 2014 744

As little girls so many times we are led to believe that love is a fairy tale, where every dream you dream can come true. The truth is though that love isn’t a fairy tale, it’s not even close but when you love someone, really love them and appreciate them for all they are, what you get is so much better than anything Walt Disney and his crew could create.

He had my heart from the first time I saw that goofy smile and heard his contagious laugh as he stumbled into class late my first day of college. I didn’t go to college with the intention of falling in love on the first day, actually quite the opposite, I was determined to find out who I was after being forced to stay in a relationship I had no interest in. Then I saw him and instantly I knew, I can’t explain it so I won’t even try, but I knew the minute I saw him I would marry him someday even though I had no clue who he was. I know that sounds crazy but I just knew.

So there may not be singing birds when we kiss and their were certainly no fireworks when we said our vows ( I looked into them but as a good friend says “it’s like lighting a $100 bill on fire”). What we do have though is a chorus of laughter that fills our house from the two beautiful boys that are a result of our love and a gift from God. I have a husband who still makes my heart flutter when he slips his hand in mine. A husband who is my best friend. A husband who can make me laugh till I cry. I have a life that is so much better than I could have ever dreamed as a girl.

Love can be and is magical but the magic isn’t in the perception it’s in the details. It’s the way you have the ability to laugh at 3am when your 4-year-old comes running into the room like he’s being chased by a monster. It’s the way at the end of the day the only person you want to see is them. It’s knowing that no matter how bad today was you still have a love so powerful you can still smile at your blessings. It’s when you’ve been in labor for 28 hours and he looks at you and tells you that your beautiful. That’s the magic.

This Saturday I will celebrate 11 years with the goofy smiling boy I met on my first day of college. Since that first day I met him he not only has become my husband but he is so much more to me.  Our life hasn’t always been easy, in fact the last year really slammed us hard, but our love for each other and the Lord brought us through the storm.

So here’s to another 11 years with the man who stole my heart and continues to have it all these years later. The best is yet to come, I love you with all my heart Tony.





About amandainlowwhite

I am a mother of two beautiful, energetic, charasmatic little boys and a beautiful baby girl. I married the love of my life whom I met on my first day of college. I am honored to teach 6 year olds for my career. I love watching them learn something new. My love for the Lord is the driving point for my writing. I want to share my expereinces with others so they know that they are not alone. I love to read! Falling in love with new literature is one of my favorite things to do. I also love to write, whether anyone reads it or not. Maybe my words can help someone through something that I have experienced.
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